Leaked Shipping Manifests Uncover ‘AMD Cuarzo’ GPUs: Spotlight on Navi 3X Series and Potential Navi 32 Mobile (RX 7800M?) Insights

Leaked Shipping Manifests Uncover 'AMD Cuarzo' GPUs Spotlight on Navi 3X Series and Potential Navi 32 Mobile (RX 7800M) Insights

AMD Cuarzo leak confirms Navi 32 is coming in a mobile form factor

Mysterious Cuarzo Rojo, Verde and Azul codenames hide AMD Navi 3X GPUs during shipment.

An investigative tech enthusiast has made a significant discovery concerning AMD’s secretive transport of codenamed items from their Canadian base to global AMD research facilities. A thorough analysis has revealed that these cryptic codenames are linked to the AMD Navi 3X line of GPUs.

Detailed examination of transportation documents shows the existence of three codenames: one corresponding to red quartz, another to green quartz, and the last to blue quartz. These are in fact codenames for various GPU models within the Navi 3X series, aligning with the colors of an RGB spectrum and correspond to the Navi 31, Navi 32, and Navi 33 GPUs, in order.

In total, there have been 43 identified shipping documents, some of which are repetitive. A few of these documents give a full breakdown of the GPU codenames and their specific versions. Moreover, a selection of these documents includes AMD’s internal product codes, which verifies that the GPUs in question are designed for use in both mobile devices and desktop computers.


  • The CUARZO ROJO XTX GAMING BOARD is associated with the RX 7900 XTX model.
  • The CUARZO ROJO XT BOARD, with part number 102-D70401-00, matches the RX 7900 XT.
  • The CUARZO ROJO XL GAMING BOARD, bearing part number 102-D71201-00, is designed for the RX 7900 series.
  • The CUARZO ROJO XL-W WORKSTATION BOARD carries part number 102-D70711-00 and is intended for the PRO W7800 series.
  • The CUARZO ROJO XM MOBILE REFERENCE BOARD corresponds to the RX 7900M series.


  • CUARZO VERDE XTX BOARD, part number 102-D71202-00, is for the RX 7800XT.
  • CUARZO VERDE GLXL BOARD, part number 102-D71901-00.
  • CUARZO VERDE XL GAMING AIB BOARD, part number 102-D71206-00, corresponds to the RX 7700XT.
  • CUARZO VERDE MOBILE REFERENCE BOARD, part number 102-D71603-0Z.


  • CUARZO AZUL XTM BOARD is associated with the RX 7600M XT.
  • CUARZO AZUL XTMS BOARD may correspond to the RX 7700S.
  • CUARZO AZUL GL-XL, with part number 102-D74911-00, is designated for the PRO W7500.

The shipping documents provide a comprehensive overview of AMD’s product range, encompassing units for desktop gaming, workstations, and various laptop models. Notably, the Azul XTM/XTMS boards are identified as part of the Navi 33 series for laptops.

Recent document additions, marked in red, such as the D716 board for the Cuazo Verde (Navi 32) and the “XEM” model, indicate AMD’s strategy to adapt the Navi 32 GPU for mobile usage. This aligns with AMD’s previous patterns, having launched the RX 7700/7600 (M/S/XT) series, which are variants of the Navi 33 and RX 7900M. There is now emerging speculation about the potential release of the RX 7800M, which would be based on the Cuazo Verde line.

Source: Volza via @harukze5719

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